Baby Life Pregnancy Resource Center About Us Header Image

seeing lives transform.
nurturing families.
building communities.

about us

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who we are

At Life Pregnancy Center, we believe all life matters. As a non-profit organization in Chino Valley, we serve women and their whole family with confidentiality, compassion, and practical support. We are dedicated to helping save babies’ lives and enhancing the quality of their childhood.

From the early stages of pregnancy through toddler years, we’re with you every step of the way, addressing needs and keeping our free services accessible. In addition to our offerings, we facilitate many connections to various local, county, and state-wide family resources.

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our story

Born from the vision of Word of Life Assembly (WOLA) church, Life Pregnancy Center emerged to provide a nurturing, safe haven for local teens and young women facing an unexpected pregnancy. With careful planning and support from medical professionals, we launched officially in 2016.

Initially equipped with limited resources in a tiny office, today we thrive in a much larger space, home to our office, private baby store, and ultrasound room. Thanks to a diverse group of generous donors and sustained WOLA support, we’ve become Chino Valley’s best pregnancy care clinic, positively transforming numerous lives in our community.

Our directors Jamie and Laura Christensen, alongside a devoted volunteer team, excitedly continue to grow LPC’s impact in shaping the futures of women, men, children, and their families.

our mission

To offer hope and a future to the lives of those facing the challenges of a pregnancy by fostering life affirming choices, education, advocate counseling, and tangible goods.

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what do you need?