from pregnancy
to age 5 years old
learn valuable skills
parent education
personal courses
Our parenting curriculum by BrightCourse provides a wonderful opportunity to understand your pregnancy, baby, and/or toddler, while gaining practical tools. A knowledgeable client advocate* will individually meet with you to go through each teaching. With every completion, you earn points towards items in our client baby store.
Sessions are usually scheduled weekly or twice a week and last 30 minutes to an hour. Bonus points may be earned for a partner’s attendance, doing homework, and passing course tests. Lessons are topically themed and chosen according to your needs and curiosities.
*Spanish speaking advocates and materials are available.
lesson examples
*prenatal care
*emotions of pregnancy
*labor expectations
*getting ready: nesting
*infant / nursing nutrition
*potty training
*getting your baby to sleep
*car seat safety
*parenting without shame
*co-parent communication
*parenting strong-willed children
*learning discipline with love and limits
points for the baby store
Our client only baby store is filled with many items, from basics like diapers and formula to clothing (maternity / baby), cribs, and strollers. All items are priced at various point levels, which you earn when completing a course.